My History in Brief...
I was born in Phom Penh. Growing up here and there, from the
eastern border
of Cambodia to the Western border, elapsed into Thailand, a place where
of us Khmer went through, and it is none other than the Kao I Dang
camp. Now the last one is here, Auckland, New Zealand.
This is a photo of my younger cousin and I in Phomh Phen in the mid 80's |
Shall we put value in family and education?
My father, as I was told by families and friends, was a good man - Thank
you and to make me proud of him they say I have his looks.
He was an MP under the Lon Nol regime, not for long though Pol Pot cut his dream, his family
and his exsitence short, just like hundreds of thousands of Cambodians who
perished under the Khmer Rouge regime.
My mother has been trying hard to reconcile the past. She was reduced
from the life of a modern girl in the mids 60s in a influencial family, to a
tainted girl, who is still searching for inner peace with the rest of her
family, brothers, sisters who still remain seperated from each other since
1975. My Mother and Fathers wedding photo's |
I have four sisters. Each have got distinct, personalities from Frox to
Each, in spite of childhood hardship, managed to set up their own
This is something to do with BEING KHMER. Let me stop here, or my
sisters are going to ban my freedom of speech with cellotape.
Wow Education!! I could dedicate my whole life to it, and still be very
Everyone is educated, no matter if you are not educated
because we are all human right?
My sister and I, at my Graduation. |
However I can not bypass the book of law. I have to
have to have a piece of paper to prove it for the sake of law and order. I have got two
giant bits of framed paper on my wall, one showing a degree in Science, the other in
Broadcasting Communications.
In 1989 I was priviledged enough to meet a fellow refugee, Dr Haing S Ngor, a man I admire for his outspokeness against inhumanities, and in particular, the Khmer Rouge.
Dr Haing S. Ngor and I, at Canterbury University 1989. |
He played the role of Dith Pran in the the 1984 movie, "The Killing Feilds" for which he won a Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.He had since appeared in sereval TV shows, before he was shot to death outside his California home, in 1996.
During his later life he wrote an very good autobiography, and also started the Haing Ngor Foundation in Phnom Penh. Truely a great loss, and a great inspiration.
E-mail Chakara here.
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